Heterogeneous Computing for Computational Vision and
Natural Language Processing
Synesthesia refers to a rare perceptual phenomenon where the stimulation of one sense triggers an experience in another sense. Individuals experiencing synesthesia might perceive colors while listening to music, visualize shapes upon encountering specific scents, or encounter tastes while gazing at words.
Inspired by such co-occurrence of senses, the Synestech.AI project involves the areas of Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. The project aims at exploring single and multimodal Artificial Intelligence approaches and at advancing the frontier of knowledge, fostering the production of both basic and applied research.
Furthermore, the project delves into pertinent applications, encompassing both single and multimodal contexts in speech processing, sentiment analysis, and question answering tasks.

The Synestech.AI project represents an ambitious foray into the fields of Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing, two vibrant research topics in Computer Science today. Under the aegis of synesthesia, a rare phenomenon that interconnects sensory perceptions, our initiative aims to transcend the conventional boundaries of Artificial Intelligence.

Computer Vision
The development of competitive models for mobile devices and the improvement of image processing in adverse environmental conditions.

Natural Language Processing
The creation of computational linguistic resources for Portuguese and on the investigation of syntactic and semantic parsing strategies for this language.
Incididunt Ut
Dolor Sit
Magna Aliqua
Sit Amet